Ayurvedic Tips & Essential Self Care Rituals

Learning is the heartbeat of the Flourish Community.

On the Flourish Blog you’ll find everything you need to live in tune with nature; Ayurvedic tips, yoga and essential oil classes, essential self care rituals, essential oil meditations and kids yoga and mindfulness activities where this all started.

Ayurvedic Tips

Mindful Eating During the Holidays

Mindful Eating During the Holidays

Use these 5 ancient yogi secrets to prepare for a feast mindfully and fully enjoy your night out without regrets or after-effects. ...more

Ayurvedic Tips

December 15, 20235 min read

How To Guide: Clear The Energy In Your Home With Smudging

How To Guide: Clear The Energy In Your Home With Smudging

The how - to guide to clear the energy in your home with smudging and essential oils. Feel lighter, clearer in just minutes. ...more

Ayurvedic Tips

April 23, 20214 min read

Evening Foot Massage for Better Sleep

Evening Foot Massage for Better Sleep

Enjoy this Foot Massage for Restful Sleep - it's a sneak peek at one of the Daily Essentials Course most relaxing and fun daily rituals. ...more

Ayurvedic Tips ,Essential Oil Tips

April 15, 20214 min read

Ayurvedic Essential Oils

Evening Foot Massage for Better Sleep

Evening Foot Massage for Better Sleep

Enjoy this Foot Massage for Restful Sleep - it's a sneak peek at one of the Daily Essentials Course most relaxing and fun daily rituals. ...more

Ayurvedic Tips ,Essential Oil Tips

April 15, 20214 min read

How Smell {And Aromatherapy} Help With The Four Main Types Of Stress

How Smell {And Aromatherapy} Help With The Four Main Types Of Stress

Did you know there were four main types of stress? Each one is simply different chemistry? Here’s where essential oils can be key to helping your stress. ...more

Essential Oil Tips

April 11, 20215 min read

How to Create Your Own Safe and Effective Bug Spray

How to Create Your Own Safe and Effective Bug Spray

Create your own safe and effective bug spray using essential oils whose primary function is to repel insects away from the plant or tree. ...more

Essential Oil Tips

August 12, 20197 min read

6 Favourite Essential Oils for Golfers

6 Favourite Essential Oils for Golfers

Essential Oils go beyond helping your mindset, which is a bit elusive, to help; prevent and heal injuries, keep you healthy, improve your stamina, keep your belly happy and repel any bugs on the cours... ...more

Essential Oil Tips

June 08, 20193 min read

Which is better lemon essential oil or fresh lemon in your water?

Which is better lemon essential oil or fresh lemon in your water?

Which is better lemon essential oil or fresh lemon in your water? Whether you choose the fresh acidic cleanse from the fruit or the convenience and cellular recovery benefits of the essential oil will... ...more

Ayurvedic Tips ,Essential Oil Tips

April 16, 20184 min read

Homework Helper Diffuser Blends

Homework Helper Diffuser Blends

Finding the right tools is key to getting good grades and enjoying school. These homework helper diffuser blends give your kids a boost and their next A. ...more

Essential Oil Tips

September 17, 20174 min read

Yoga and Essential Oils

Easy Morning Yoga Routine

Easy Morning Yoga Routine

Simple, easy morning yoga routines can make a real difference in how your set up your day, starting small and adding in one pose will help get you started. ...more

Yoga and Essential Oils

September 03, 20233 min read

How To Get Started With Yoga

How To Get Started With Yoga

Here’s how to get started with yoga including a basic yoga equipment list, what type of yoga is best for me, the benefits of a daily yoga practise, and a guided 15 minute yoga morning self care routin... ...more

Yoga and Essential Oils

September 01, 20237 min read

Yoga Poses for Travelling

Yoga Poses for Travelling

This series is especially designed for travellers. These yoga poses for travelling will bring release stiffness with gentle movements and twists. ...more

Yoga and Essential Oils

March 08, 20232 min read

Yoga Sequence For Strength

Yoga Sequence For Strength

This yoga sequence for strength is great for gradually strengthening the muscles, and improving balance in an easy, fun way. ...more

Yoga and Essential Oils

March 08, 20233 min read

Yoga Sequence to Open the Hips

Yoga Sequence to Open the Hips

Quick morning yoga sequence to open the hips to relieve and prevent low back pain and prevent knee injuries. Plus creative tips for practicing with kids. ...more

Yoga and Essential Oils

March 08, 20235 min read

Video Post: 5 Yoga Poses for Hormones

Video Post: 5 Yoga Poses for Hormones

Are you open to trying something instead suffering? What if in 5 minutes you could start to find relief with these 5 Yoga Poses for Hormones. ...more

Yoga and Essential Oils

May 23, 20214 min read

Essential Oil Meditations

Guided Meditation To Let Go

Guided Meditation To Let Go

Letting go is an essential part of moving forward. When we are start something new we are excited to get going and do something but our ability to move forward is hindered by the ties we have to the p... ...more

Essential Oil Meditations

March 10, 20215 min read

Heart Opening Meditation for Connection

Heart Opening Meditation for Connection

Heart Opening Meditation to connect to our deeper wisdom within us and connect to those around us. ...more

Essential Oil Meditations

February 17, 20183 min read

Falling Leaves Meditation

Falling Leaves Meditation

This falling leaves meditation helps you align your inner life with the outer world around you. Use the wisdom of nature to accept change and let go. ...more

Essential Oil Meditations

October 28, 20171 min read

3 Minute Morning Guided Meditation for Busy Days

3 Minute Morning Guided Meditation for Busy Days

Get focused & energized quickly with this simple 3 minute morning guided meditation Whether just starting meditation or have established practice this quick meditation will help you feel positive grou... ...more

Essential Oil Meditations

August 20, 20161 min read

Meditation to Enjoy Life

Meditation to Enjoy Life

Use this meditation to enjoy life to bring you back to place joy from days past Experiencing joy helps reset our nervous system & re-aligns our whole body ...more

Essential Oil Meditations

July 29, 20163 min read

Meditation to Spring Clean the Mind

Meditation to Spring Clean the Mind

Spring, time to clear the clutter inside and out. Use this spring cleaning meditation to release and let go allowing you to grow evolve and truly shine. ...more

Essential Oil Meditations

April 11, 20163 min read

Kids Yoga Activities

Preschool Yoga Music Favourites

Preschool Yoga Music Favourites

Preschool Yoga music makes the class come alive and makes a pose or activity extra fun. Watch how much music you play as it can be hard to focus for some. ...more

Kid's Yoga Activities

August 15, 20242 min read

Yoga for St Patricks Day: Enjoy this Simple Mindful Blessing

Yoga for St Patricks Day: Enjoy this Simple Mindful Blessing

Use this yoga for St Patricks day mindful blessing with the kids in your life as you greet the day, before bed or anytime you need a positive focus. ...more

Kid's Yoga Activities

March 14, 20182 min read

The Secret of Saying Thanks

The Secret of Saying Thanks

Enjoy this reading and yoga dramatization of "The Secret of Saying Thanks" by Douglas Wood. A fun and creative youth yoga class Thanksgiving project. ...more

Kid's Yoga Activities

October 08, 20173 min read

No Talk Kids Yoga Games

No Talk Kids Yoga Games

These kids yoga games are perfect for the classroom, after-school programs, sports team warm-ups at home and even outside in a campground! ...more

Kid's Yoga Activities

June 15, 20174 min read

Earth Day Activities – Yoga Lesson Plan and Game

Earth Day Activities – Yoga Lesson Plan and Game

My favourite earth day activities for elementary students in a yoga lesson plan you can use anytime of year to celebrating our connection to the planet. ...more

Kid's Yoga Activities

April 20, 20175 min read

Kids Partner Yoga Poses for Valentine’s Day

Kids Partner Yoga Poses for Valentine’s Day

Connect celebrate each other on Valentine's Day with these kids partner yoga poses for Valentines Day Easy to do classroom & secret weapon for sugar outlet ...more

Kid's Yoga Activities

February 24, 20172 min read

What's the Next Best Step for YOU?

Here’s how to start loving and looking after you.

Rebuilding your energy step by step.

What's my Dosha?

Discover Your Yoga Personality

What works for someone else may not be right for you.

Take the free Dosha Quiz to discover your Ayurveda body type and get tips and tools for your unique body.

Simple Wellness Class

Natural Wellness Solutions

Attend the next Simple Wellness class to learn about Ayurveda and Essential Oils.

Reduce stress naturally, have more energy, feel lighter, natural sleep aids, and feel younger that your age.

Join Daily Essentials

Live In Tune With Nature

The course and community that makes it easy to follow-through and stay on track with your essential self care rituals.

Create a personalized wellness plan that works for your life and unique body.

Discover Your Dosha!

When you know your nature everything becomes… well… second nature.

  • From what foods you can eat guilt-free

  • Which essential oils will calm your type of stress…

  • How to best look after your skin…

  • Exercise hacks and motivators…

  • To finding your peaceful centre so you can respond instead of react.

Uncovering your unique yoga personality will help you sort through all the self-help advice and know what’s effective for you.

Let's get started.

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