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Video Post: 5 Yoga Poses for Hormones

Video Post: 5 Yoga Poses for Hormones

May 23, 20214 min read

Are you open to trying something instead of suffering? What if in 5 minutes you could start to find relief with these 5 Yoga Poses for Hormones.

Are you willing to try it?

When it comes to hormones we can use all the help we can get!

One of the big things I noticed when I first started practicing yoga regularly was how it helps relieve the so-called symptoms of PMS; no cramping, no mood swings… It was night and day between months where I was doing a lot of yoga and times when I had fallen off the wagon so to speak…

As my body has matured I’ve been researching hormones more and more as I find the “symptoms” can become more acute as we enter peri-menopause.

With everything that acts against this vital function, it’s a miracle we can reproduce at all – let alone everything else our hormones control beyond reproduction.

Every day you are bombarded by chemicals that are messing with your natural hormone balance.

Elements Against Your Hormones

These are a few of the key elements of everyday life that are conspiring against your hormones….

Cosmetics & Body Care Products
Cleaning Supplies
Scented Candles and Sprays
Pesticides on your food, in your garden

Add in the compound effect that many of these also throw off your digestion – a key element for producing hormones and we are set up for failure.

It’s no wonder we view the signs that our hormones are out of balance as “normal”.

Yoga to the Rescue

Yoga is well-posed to help. Research has shown yoga to help with;

Reducing Stress
Eliminate Toxins
Support Digestion
Stimulate Hormone Glands

When it comes to achieving the first three main goals, really any yoga will help! So keep up with your regular daily practice – it makes a huge difference.

However, some poses can help more than others.

If You Could Only Do Five…

I’ve been “playing with the poses” so to speak and researching what poses can help the most to support the hormonal glands and finding relief from “symptoms”.

When you are pressed for time or are just starting your yoga journey try these five poses to rebalance your hormonal system.

This summer in the Easy Peasy Morning Yoga Series – I’ll be adding a full unit of sequences to help dive into this deeper if this is an area of challenge for you but for now start with these five today.

5 Yoga Poses for Hormones in 15 Minutes

Whether you are new to yoga, just starting a home yoga practice or just need a little inspiration on the mat, enjoy these 5 yoga poses and the why behind how they work to help support your hormonal system and find relief from some of the common monthly symptoms of imbalance.

Props for the series:

Block or chair for support
Yoga bolster or a couple of pillows

Amplify the effect of your yoga practice with essential oils.

In this video, we’ll be adding in the Wild Orange Essential Oil and the Clary Calm Blend to further enhance the effect of the poses. The oils are optional to use, if you would like to experience this with oils – you can purchase them here.

clary calm blend for hormones

Wild Orange – Oil of Gratitude and Abundance.

Use this oil to relieve anxious feelings and lift your mood. Daily use of this oil helps you feel more positive and open to possibilities.

Clary Calm Blend – Monthly Nurturing Blend

A special blend of essential oils to support both women’s and men’s hormonal balance. Contains Clary Sage, Geranium, Ylang Ylang, Palmarosa, and Vitex which are known hormone supports along with many other oils to promote calm and balance.

How and When To Use This Series

This simple and effective series can be done in the morning or the evening. It was designed to be flexible in nature so you can fit it in regularly for the best effect.

Gift yourself 15 minutes each day (or go for the 80/20) principle and be ok if it doesn’t happen every day. See how this affects your mood, sleep, low back pain, and overall energy.

Post below how this is working for you!

yoga poses for hormones
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