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The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle – Reading and Yoga Activity

The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle – Reading and Yoga Activity

April 27, 20163 min read

This delightful book about the journey of a tiny seed illustrates the life cycle of plants, how hard it can be to thrive, and how even the tiniest among us can achieve great things.

Take your time as you read The Tiny Seed and act out the story with yoga poses for better comprehension, retention and fun!

Here are the poses I like to use with this book. Of course there are many alternatives, so get creative. Let your students use their imaginations to see what other poses you can incorporate. Share these in the comments below to inspire other teachers.

The Tiny Seed – Reading and Yoga Activity

Purpose:      Fun experience with a book illustrating seasons and life cycle.
Where:         In your classroom, gymnasium or any open area
How Long:  20 minutes to read book and act out yoga poses.
Grades:       Grades K – 5
Materials:   Book: The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle
Prep:           Read through lesson plan before teaching

Great book to use during the major season change to illustrate the importance of each season and how something so small can achieve great heights and have a big impact.


Page 1: “A strong wind is blowing” – Wind Chimes Pose

Page 2: “…the sun’s hot rays” – Reach for the Sun Pose

Page 3: “..a tall and icy mountain” – Mountain Pose

Page 4: “…fly over the ocean” – Waves and/or Fish Pose

Page 5: “…drifts down onto the desert” – Cactus Pose – Mountain Pose with cactus arms. Get creative with your cactus shape.

Page 6: “… a bird comes by and eats one seed” – Flamingo Pose – for extra challenge tilt forward towards the ground.

Page 7: “… the seeds settle down” – Childs Pose “… a hungry mouse… eats the seeds for his lunch” – munching sounds in Childs Pose

Flamingo pose

Page 8: “Birds fly by” – Flamingo Pose. “The Sun Shines” – Reach for the Sun Pose. “Rain Falls” – Finger Dancing Pose.

“First they send roots down into the earth” – forward fold while sitting cross-legged. Start to grow your sprout forward and then open to let your flower bloom.

Page 9: “… as he runs along” – Running on the Spot

Page 10: “… a hand reaches down and breaks off a flower” – Ragdoll Pose

Page 11: “…drifts down onto the desert” – Cactus Pose – Mountain Pose with cactus arms. Get creative with your cactus shape. “gives it to his friend” – Bowing

Finger dancing

Page 12: “… the sun shines on it” – Reach for the Sun Pose “and the rain waters it” – Finger Dancing Pose. “It grows taller and taller” – Tree Pose

Page 13: “… the birds”Flamingo or Eagle Pose, “and bees” – Beezing “and butterflies” – Butterfly Pose

Page 14: “… petals drop and sail along” – Falling Leaves Pose

Page 15: “The wind blows harder.” – Wind Chimes Pose

End the story with a rest in Childs Pose or Relaxation Pose with a Magic Carpet Ride through the garden.

Printable Yoga Lesson Plan

To make this super easy to use in your classroom...

Download the printable pose plan with photos and call your lesson plan done!


Get creative after the story and have each student create a giant flower with their picture in the center and talk about how even through we start out small we can achieve great things.

classroom yoga Eric Carlekids yoga activitiesreading and yogaThe Tiny Seedyoga at school yoga teacher resources
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