Yoga and Essential Oils

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Back to School Yoga Morning Routine

Back to School Yoga Morning Routine

April 05, 20153 min read

6 Minutes to Start Your Day Right

The transition from lazy summer days to fall routine is tough.

Kick start your mornings with a quick 6 minutes back to school yoga practice to help relieve stiffness, feel fresh and greet the day with enthusiasm.

This little back to school yoga routine is perfect for;
Parents before you wake the kids (or practice as a family before breakfast)
Teachers to boost your patience and resilience before a day with your students
Teens to start the day on a positive note

The Key Poses

Check In

Mountain Namaste

The quick routine starts with a gentle side to side stretch and a Mountain Pose check in. When life if busy and your thoughts are scattered taking a couple of breaths to close your eyes and check in will make everything flow smoothly.


It’s amazing how a little movement in the morning can make a huge difference to both your flexibility and reducing the chance of injury and to your brain performance. Movement is one of the key ways to eliminate Brain Fog and help you think clearer all day. Sun Salutations, Balancing Poses and the Yoga Warrior Power Poses all help to boost our energy and help the day flow smoothly.

Ragdoll- Kids Yoga Pose

Release and Cool Down

Before running off the mat and out the door take a moment to catch your breath in Ragdoll or Forward Fold, then come back to this relaxed alert state when your mind starts to spiral out of control.

Get Started Today

Give this a try and see what a difference 6 minutes can make in your day.

This is part of the Easy Peasy Morning Yoga Program - which you get as a bonus in the Daily Essentials program which is all about making the most of your mornings.

While movement is key there are several other quick, easy habits we adopt in the Daily Essentials to boost your energy and have a great day.

Here's a sneak peek at a couple of them...

Tips for Smooth School Mornings

sleeping girl

Great Mornings Start the Night Before

Eat dinner by 6pm so your body has finished the work of digestion and can completely rest during sleep.
• Go to bed by 10 pm. Each hour of sleep before midnight is equal to 2 hours after midnight.
• Use a calming or relaxing scent like lavender to help soothe you to sleep.

mango kale smoothie

Back to School Morning Routine

Drink 2 glasses of water before yoga.
Practice the back to school yoga routine, add in any other pose you are working on or your body needs that morning.
Have a shower each morning, even if it’s a quick rinse to help awaken and revitalize the body.
Use your time to apply moisturizer as a mini massage, rub the joints in a circular motion and rub upwards, toward the body on the long bones to feel energized.
Start the Day with a green smoothie for breakfast or pack it in your lunch for a mid-morning pick me up.

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Easy Peasy Morning Yoga

How to Start a Yoga Practice at Home

With simple yoga for beginners videos that progress from 1 pose a day to 20 minute yoga and even a few 30 minutes yoga videos on the days when you have time to indulge.

Over 20 yoga videos to make getting started easy and accessible, even if you’ve never tried yoga before. Or even worse – you’ve tried and been discouraged.

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