Last week I had the pleasure of working in two great schools with over 400 new students.
Many of these students have done yoga before but not with a YogaKids trained teacher which is all good …except…. for the lost opportunity of the warriors.
They all knew Warrior 2 as “Surfer Pose” and only as “Surfer Pose”.
Yes – absolutely I love to teach an ocean class where we have fun surfing the waves and relaxing on the beach,
Warrior 2 is so much more than hanging out at the beach.
Warrior 2 is about feeling strong and confident.
“I am Strong!”
Warrior 2 is an opportunity to tap into your inner strength.
One of the things I love about YogaKids is their elements and how they provide a pathway to weave teaching moments into each class. The most powerful of these is the affirmations element and the opportunity to help kids feel good about themselves on the inside.
Kids Yoga is so much more than surfer pose.
We miss out on the opportunity to lead and teach when all we do is make yoga a fun distraction.
I love having kids “show me how strong they are” – and show off their big muscle man arms. When else do you get the chance to show off your strength and flex your muscles?
In our society, especially here in Canada, we learn to downplay or be modest about our strengths so it’s wonderful to have the opportunity, the safe place, to shout it out loud.
“I am Strong!”….”I am Brave!”…”I am Powerful!”
Use this simple warrior series with your students and see how they shine… watch them feel good from the inside out.
Warrior 2 – Strong Warrior
“I am Strong!”
… show me your big muscle man arms…. Yes!
Warrior 1 – Brave Warrior
“I am Brave!”
… now show me how strong and how brave you are
Warrior 3 – Powerful Warrior
“I am Powerful!”
– Repeat on the other side –
Go another step deeper and have your kids think of other “Warrior Qualities” other positive words that describe warriors. I am constantly amazed and awed by the responses I get from kids.
“I am Kind”… “I am Smart”… “I am Fearsome”… “I am Fearless”… “I am Confident”… “I am Terrific”
Doesn’t it make your heart sing just to read these?
Here’s another crazy little secret…
This warrior series also works as a magic pill for energy regulation.
Another thing I noticed this week was the power of these 3 poses to change mood and energy.
I specifically wound the kids up this week as we explored energy and our heart engine and then we did this warrior series and the kids were all amazed at how these three poses brought their energy level down from the hyper crazy silly energy to feeling strong and powerful and much more focused.
Try it out in your class or with your own kids at home when they are feeling the crazies. Experiment with just these three poses and see what happens.
Share your experiences in the comments below;
• Did it calm your kids?
• Can you see their light shine?
• Do you feel powerful too?