Kids Yoga Activities

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Snowflake yoga

Snowflake Yoga

November 23, 20132 min read

Winter is the perfect opportunity to let kids know they shine and sparkle and snowflake yoga is perfect for showcasing their talent and gifting them with words of affirmation.

“Sparkle and shine just like you always do even when you are not a snowflake”

I just love saying these words during a snowflake meditation as I look around the circle of young yogis and see how each one is unique and special in their own way. Have fun and challenge the kids in your life with these snowflake yoga activities and watch them shine.

Snowflake Yoga Poses


Star Pose

Be a snowflake in star pose – let your fingertips shimmer, shine and sparkle. Dance around your mat like a snowflake swirling and twirling.  Great music to twirl to:  Laurie Berkner’s “I’m a little Snowflake”


Throw and Toss

Use the throw and toss scarf activity to catch snowflakes and have fun throwing your scarf to a friend and catching theirs. Roll them up into a snowball for soft seasonal fun.

kite pose

Tumbling Snowflakes

Tumble your snowflake to the ground into kite pose, half moon pose or side plank pose. Choose the variation depending on age and ability.


Snow Angel

Relax and settle by making snow angels, breathing in as you swoop your wings upward and breathing out as you bring your wings back to your sides. Getting ready for your snowflake guided visualization.

Snowflake Guided Meditation for Kids


Let your arms be still at your sides as you breathe in and out imagining you are getting smaller and smaller, lighter and lighter.

Imagine you are a snowflake…. you are unique. There is no other snowflake like you.

You sparkle and shine, just like you always do even when you are not a snowflake.

Imagine where you would float, where you would fly.

Imagine bringing happiness to children all around the world as you fall upon their mittens to look at and admire, be part of their ice rinks, forts and snowmen, or fall gently on the branches of a tree making a magical coat.

Then with each breath, you start to feel larger and larger, feel your body resting heavy and comfortable on your mat.

Begin to wiggle your fingers and toes, sparkling just like a snowflake.


Share your creative ideas on poses to inspire the inner snowflake in all of us below.

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