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Remembrance Day Yoga Poses for Peace

Remembrance Day Yoga Poses for Peace

November 09, 20102 min read

Use these simple remembrance day yoga poses during your daily movement break to open a discussion on peace, war and remembering our soldiers and veterans.

Remembrance day is a tough topic for yogis. Peace is much easier to talk about but sometimes keeping the peace is not black and white. Share your gratitude for our soldiers and veterans and talk about the importance of peace with these simple yoga poses.

Remembrance Day Yoga Poses for Peace

Volcano Pose

Volcano Kids Yoga Pose

Negative thoughts sometimes explode into more than we intended. In this pose we use our breath and our body to express our feelings without hurting anyone. How else can you resolve your negative feelings without causing conflict?

Warrior Series

Use the Warrior Series of poses to take on the strength, confidence and bravery our soldiers have as they defend our country and our values. Imagine being Warriors for peace. What qualities do peace warriors need to have?

Warrior Kids Yoga Poses

Use affirmations while you are in the pose and have your kids think of more affirmations to use with your peaceful warrior qualities.

Warrior 2 – Be Strong
• Warrior 1 – Be Honest
• Warrior 3 – Spread Peace

Camel Pose

Camel Pose

Open your heart for the people and soldiers in countries at war. For an extra activity research how many countries are currently at war. The number will likely shock you as we are so far removed in our peaceful country.

This heart opening pose can be done seated at your desk, holding onto the sides of a chair, standing placing your hands on your hips for support for the back, or kneeling as shown in the photo.

Seated Twist with a Partner

Sit and Twist Kids Yoga Pose

This is a great pose to illustrate seeing an issue from different sides. Have each person describe what they see. Recognize that both people are correct, yet their perception is very different.

Partner poses are also a great opportunity to work together for a common purpose as many of our peace keeping soldiers do in the countries they are helping.

To do this pose with a partner sit facing each other with knees almost touching, take your right hand behind you and with your left hand reach across to hold onto your partners right hand. Sit up tall then slowly twist using your connected arms to gently take the twist a little deeper.

Peace Breath

Peace Breath - Kids Yoga Pose

Close your movement break by sending Peace to all people around the world.

Inhale drawing peace into your heart.
Exhale to spread this peace to everyone in the world.

Share in the comments below other yoga and mindfulness activities you have found helpful to talk about peace-keeping, war and remembering those that keep our country safe.

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