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International Peace Day Ideas: Are you passionate for peace?

International Peace Day Ideas: Are you passionate for peace?

September 11, 20132 min read
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Celebrating Peace Day

What does Peace feel like?

What does Peace taste like?

What is Peace?

September 21st has become a powerful day around the world. A day when the hope of peace is possible.

How will you celebrate Peace Day?

How will you share this with your students and your family?

Here are some ideas to get your creativity started…

International Peace Day Ideas

Ring a bell
Light a candle
Take a moment of silence in Peace Breath Pose (see below)
Make an origami crane, or a whole chain!
Make a pinwheel for peace (
Read a book on Peace (suggestions below for kids)

“On this International Day, let us promise to make peace not just a priority, but a passion. Let us pledge to do more, wherever we are in whatever way we can, to make every day a day for peace.”
- U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon

How you will make Peace your passion?

Start here with this simple breathing exercise and dream of what you will do for peace.

YogaKids Peace Breath Pose

Peace Breath Kids Yoga Pose

Inhale drawing peace into your body while you raise your hands to your heart in Namaste.

Exhale and let peace flow from you out into the world allowing your hands to rest again on your knees.

Repeat 3 – 5 times allowing peace to flow from you to the people in the room around you, your city, your country, and through the whole world.

Sit quietly as you finish and think about what peace means to you and how you can celebrate peace.

Book suggestions for Peace Day

Use these books with Reading Comes Alive with Yoga – YogaKids Element to re-enforce comprehension

The Peace Book – Todd Parr
What Does Peace Feel Like? – V. Radunsky
Peaceful Piggy Meditation – Kerry Lee MacLean
I Am Peace – Susan Verde & Peter Reynolds
Wangari’s Trees of Peace – Jeanette Winter

How do you show your passion for peace?

Share your ideas to celebrate peace in your home and classroom below and help make peace a passion everyday.

peace daypeace day ideas
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