Kids Yoga Activities

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Christmas Yoga Poses

Christmas Yoga Poses

December 16, 20132 min read

Trimming the yoga Christmas tree

Take a quick break and get the kids moving and releasing some of that pent up excitement while you trim the tree with yoga.

This series works well in a classroom or even at home while  you decorate and prepare for Christmas.

Suitable for all ages from Preschool through Grade 6, even the adults will enjoy it.

Christmas Yoga Poses

Tree Pose - Kids Yoga Pose

Start off in your Tree Pose. Grow tall and strong, proud to be part of the Christmas Celebrations.

String the lights and garland using Pass the Hoop (passing a hoola hoop around a circle) or spiral the group in to the center and unwind on the other side.

Reach for the Sun - Kids Yoga Pose

Hang the ornaments using a reverse Reach for the Sun.  Taking the ornaments from your basket at your belly and reaching up high, around and low to place them on the tree.  Make sure to add in brain balance by criss-crossing your reach onto the other side of the body.

Star Pose - Kids Yoga Pose

What will adorn the top of the tree?

A star (Star Pose – standing with arms and legs wide).

Or an angel? (Opening My Wings – start with hands at the heart inhale to sweep the wings up overhead to touch, exhale bringing them back to your heart).

I like to have each child show me what their bodies which they will place on the tree.   Closing my eyes I count to three and open to see which they choose.

Ladder Climbing Kids Yoga Pose

Climb to the top of your very tall tree with Ladder Climbing Pose (using alternate arm and foot) and gently place the star or angel on the very top.

Repeat Star Pose or Angel Pose to show it shining on the tree.

Downward Dog Yoga Pose

Climb on down and use Down Dog Pose make a big mountain of presents at the bottom.


Relax for a moment in Savasana imagining the fresh scent of the pine tree, the twinkling lights and the colourful ornaments,  the taste of yummy cookies, and the happy smiles of everyone around you.



Have  fun adding Christmas yoga poses into your Christmas Traditions and share below what else we can add to the mix.

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