Essential Oil Meditations

Enjoy these essential oils mediations for beginners.

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by using one of these best oils for meditation as your habit trigger.

Essential Oil Meditations

Rejuvenating Meditation

Rejuvenating Meditation

November 01, 20153 min read

Need a little pick me up today?

Gift yourself 10 minutes to enjoy this rejuvenating meditation to replenish your deep energy.

When I use this meditation I am left feeling like I just came from a deep massage. Seriously, tap into that juicy all over body melt after just 10 minutes. Allow yourself to simply follow the words and be present with what you need at this moment. What can you appreciate or let go of? It’s amazing how your body can totally replenish itself. It knows how to heal when you just get out of the way and let it do its thing!

This profoundly relaxed feeling, like coming from a massage, helps to build up your deep energy reserves. Think adrenal support in western medicine language. In Ayurveda, this deep energy is called Ojas. Think of Ojas as the nectar or juice of life.

We build up this “Ojas” in a variety of ways from;

the foods we eat,
getting a deep nourishing rest at night,
looking after our body with self-care practices,
and by going within and simply accepting how we feel.

Are you feeling tired and depleted or energized and ready to face the day? Either way, this rejuvenating meditation taps into those feelings to transform them into something deeper. Use the meditation to create deep rich energy that will help support you through the busy days ahead.

I recommend doing this meditation in a seated position. Sit on a chair or on a cushion so you can tap into that feeling of being grounded through your hips.

The important part of this is just to be ok with what is. Even if your environment is not completely quiet or there are things going on around you or within you – that’s ok. This practice simply allows what is happening to arise as you learn to let go and go deeper.

Rejuvenating Meditation

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Enjoy this meditation any time of day:

First thing in the morning is lovely.
Before you go to bed is super relaxing.
Anytime you just need to stop and breathe throughout the day is perfect.

Repeat the meditation again this week and see if something new comes up and practice each time allowing yourself to drop into that deep, rich level of awareness.

doterra Aromatouch Oil

Favourite Essential Oils to Enhance this Meditation

My favourite essential oil to take this meditation to a deeper level is Aromatouch Blend. This is my go-to for building Ojas. It smells spa-like and also helps to release muscle tension. This blend contains:

• Cypress – which helps to clear away blocks and get things moving.
• Peppermint – a lovely energizing boost that helps reduce inflammation.
• Marjoram – a wonderful spice for releasing muscle tension and helps you to connect deeper with yourself and others.
• Basil – the oil of renewal and replenishing – helps with adrenal exhaustion.
• Grapefruit – honour your body exactly as it is today.
• Lavender – soothe and calm emotions, muscles, tissues and anything that comes up.

Any of the yoga series oils are also great supports for this meditation. Or play with it and pick any of these great essential oils for meditation. Experiment with a new oil every day and see what becomes your favourite for when you need a little pick me up.

After pairing an oil with the meditation, Just the scent will help you connect to this deeply relaxed spa feeling.

Was this helpful for you?

Share in the comments below what arose for you during this meditation. Did it give you that relaxed massage feeling too? Anything pop up that you can let go of or appreciate deeper this month?

ayurvedabenefits of meditationhealthy habitsmeditationOjasrejuvenating meditation
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