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6 Simple Ayurvedic Energy Bars to Fuel Your Family

6 Simple Ayurvedic Energy Bars to Fuel Your Family

May 02, 20163 min read

Even though in Ayurveda snacking is frowned upon (a tale for another day) there are times when you just need that pick me up to get you through until the next meal.

Power bars and energy balls provide a quick pick me up and help to calm the nervous system with their sweet taste.

My favourite recipes use natural sweeteners such as dates and apricots so you get natural fibre to go along with the sugar pick me up; fibre helps prevent the sugar crash afterwards.

Energy bars is are also packed with superfoods, which offer us so many health benefits. Commonly used ingredients like coconut, chia seeds, cranberries and pecans (to name a few) offer an array of benefits such as high protein, fibre, calcium and many vitamins and minerals.

6 Recipes for Ayurvedic Energy Bars

These 6 Recipes for Ayurvedic Energy Bars will boost your energy and fuel up the kids at school and before their next sport event. Super easy to pack and go.

Doterra Energy bites

doTERRA Energy Bites

Made from ingredients you likely have in your cupboard, I love that I can add a couple of drops of essential oils and get their benefits too. Doterra Power Bites contain:

Coconut (high in protein and fibre)
Cranberries (high in antioxidants
Vitamin C and helps regulate blood sugar)
Honey (prevents cancer, is anti-fungal, has probiotics and also helps regulate blood sugar)
Chia seeds (high in calcium, magnesium, phosphorous and zinc)

These definitely give you a boost and satisfy the palate. 

When using essential oils, ensure you use only high-quality oils for edible uses. Other oils are processed differently and are not safe to consume.

Spicy power bars

Spicy Power Bars

I love the spicy flavours for these to help kick start the belly into digestion mode when you need that snack between meals. These Spicy Power Bars contain the spices :

Cinnamon (full of antioxidants and anti-flammatory properties)
Cardamom (rich in vitamins A and C and anti-depressant properties)

Along with dates (high in potassium and natural sugars) these bars offer a sweet spicy mix that is definitely good for you.

Black Sesame Power Bars

Black Sesame Power Bars

I’ve been hearing about black sesame seeds for awhile now so wanted to try them out and see what all the fuss is about. Black sesame seeds offer anti-aging properties, healthy skin and bones and rich in B Vitamins, Iron, Calcium, Zinc, and Vitamin E.

Who knew such a tiny little seed could offer so much! With the mix of pumpkin seeds which are very high in magnesium, zinc and omega 3’s and golden berries, high in Vitamin C, boosts immunity, vision health and antioxidants, these Black Sesame Energy Bars really pack a punch.

Dark Chocolate Cherry Energy Bars

Dark Chocolate Cherry Energy Bars

Similar to a Larabar but much cheaper. These Dark Chocolate Cherry Energy Bars are also super simple to make and you likely have the ingredients on hand. Definitely a favourite for kids with the cherries, they’re high in copper which helps keep your tissues strong and Vitamin C to keep colds away. And with the almonds that are high in fibre, Vitamin E and magnesium you’ve got quite the beneficial combination.

We found this was a bit too dense for the Vitamix – a food processor does the best job. Add a couple of drops of Lavender Essential Oil for a unique flavour that helps calm you down too.

Apricot Energy Balls

Apricot Energy Balls

These Apricot Energy Balls are super simple – only 2 ingredients, apricots and coconut.

Apricots are high in iron so a great go-to snack for those looking to boost their iron levels. We added 2 drops of Cinnamon Essential Oil for flavour and to boost immune support. Use your Vitamix to get a smoother texture.

Taste and Tell

Enjoy and indulge in these tasty treats.

Share in the comments below which one was your favourite or share a link to your own fabulous energy bar recipes.

Krista Strayer

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DoterraElana’s Pantryenergy barsenergy bitesnatural sweetenerssuperfood ingredients
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