Enjoy this simple Mother’s Day Yoga Poem with actions together. Have fun, laugh together and whenever possible make them into partner poses to share loving touch too!
In yoga class we place this Mother’s Day Yoga poem in a special Mother’s Day card, decorate the front and practice our poses to share with Mom when we get home.
Bond with your child as you act out the poses together and share the wonder of love between mother and child.
Mommy’s Love is…
Mommy’s love is as strong as a mountain (mountain pose).
It reaches from the tips of my fingers to the tips of my toes (ragdoll pose).
It’s as bright as a star (jump into star shape).
and as big as the moon (half moon or crescent moon).
It’s as strong as a warrior (your favourite warrior pose),
as faithful as a dog (downward dog – don’t forget to bark)
and as peaceful as a dove (pigeon pose).
It’s as glorious as a sun set (sunrise sunset pose, kneeling lift up arms in a big circle and rise up off heels),
and as constant as the waves upon the ocean (seated with knees bent take knees from side to side).
Mommy’s love flows like a river (seated forward bend)
all the way to me!
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