For the woman who believes health

is more than taking a pill.

The Ayurveda Summer Spa

The perfect time to replenish & renew.

Your ultimate summer spa experience that's all about you!

with Krista Strayer - Your Wellness Lifestyle Coach using Ayurveda and Essential Oils.

Have you gotten that wake-up call that its time to get on track with your health?

→A Scary Diagnosis

→Blood Test Results that are higher than normal

→Menopause Symptoms out of control

Or... Just want to know how to support your health with natural solutions?

This is the place.

And summer is the perfect time.

Imagine if...

Every day this summer

you had a spa-mazing moment.

So that next fall you feel

not only refreshed,

but able to face each day without

feeling the drain.

Your cup will already be full.

In the midst of the busy-ness of summer...

Pamper yourself

with simple self-care rituals

that you'll use

all year long.

I love the freedom of summer!

But I tend to over-do it.

Long days in the sun at the beach, hiking, waterskiing golfing, travelling... {Yes I have a bit of FOMO}

In the midst of all the fun things...

I'll get sick or injured.

Plus I don't love trying to get back on track in the fall.

Thus began the Ayurveda Summer Spa

A way to stay on course

{or even better gently start a few new habits}

that support your energy

and help you keep your cool

for all the summer fun!

PLUS - Getting back on track in the fall is Easy Peasy!

Ayurveda & Essential Oils...

The perfect partners for a Summer Spa Experience

The Ayurveda Summer Spa is a special version of the Daily Essentials Course

where we slow things down a lot.




Your new summer mantra.

During the summer we focus on all the spa rituals from the Daily Essentials Course:

🌸 Hydration

🌸 Yoga Breaks

🌸 Massage

🌸 Cooling, Refreshing Foods

🌸 Skin Rejuvenation

So you'll end the summer you'll feel refreshed & renewed.

{instead of needing another vacation}

Self care that fits naturally into your day AND makes a big difference to how you feel.

I feel like I am able to handle my very busy schedule with more ease and I feel happier and more centered throughout the whole day.

Before joining I was overwhelmed and had so much going on that while I dreamed of changing my life I didn’t think I had time for this.

Krista helped me understand that simply adding in one small thing at a time adds up to huge changes. The habits I have struggled to change for years like starting a meditation practice are now just part of my day and instead of taking time the program has re-energized my day.


Web Based Business Advisor, Laguna Beach, CA

4 Reasons to Pamper Yourself this Summer


There are so many great things to do in the summer.

Don't miss out because you've run out of steam.

These self-care rituals support your deep energy reserves and keep you from burning out.


The healthy habits or "rituals" we'll be enjoying are perfectly aligned to the summer season.

You'll feel cool & refreshed without taking time away from your summer fun!


Summer is a pattern interrupt to your normal routine.

This makes it the perfect time to make changes in a way that will stick with you all year long.


Get that natural summer glow that comes from the inside out.

Our habit and natural supports work on a cellular level to repair and replenish so you look and feel young again!

Pamper yourself with simple daily rituals

all summer long.

The Ayurveda Summer Spa

What's Included...

A Step by Step Nourishing Spa Experience

So you have more energy, sleep better, boost your immune system

alleviate the aches and pains

...all with natural, science-based solutions.

Weekly Spa Focus

Each week we'll play with a new "spa" ritual.

Each new ritual builds upon each other to replenish your energy and gradually carve out time for you. The rituals are portrayed in both video and written form to best suit your learning style.

Once a week we gather in the morning to compare notes, recipes and... let go of the voices in our heads so we can truly make time for ourselves.

I love the weekly calls. Its something that’s very productive.

When we work on our own it's good to hear what others are going through too.

The support of the group is huge.

Little tips, everyone gets around obstacles in a different way so it great when others share what works for them.

Ali W. - Invermere BC

Bringing the Spa Home

Enjoy the scents of the spa all summer long in your own home.

We've put together a special collection of oils to use in our spa rituals, smoothies and even party time guacamole!

Collection includes the Travel Kit (Aromatouch Blend, Lavender, Peppermint, Wild Orange), Lime, Mexican Cuisine Blend and the Yoga Collection (Arise, Affirm, Anchor Blends)

{Retail Value $207 CAD}

*Current doTERRA Members to purchase the oils through their own account.

{Wholesale Cost $155 CAD)

Community of "Besties"

Happier, Healthier Functioning Humans... that's our goal together.

This is not a DIY Expereince.

We progress further, faster as a community. Your summer experience comes with long lasting support to stay on track and keep growing and evolving together.

We are such an amazing group of women here.

I am so grateful for you Krista and everyone here.

I am really grateful for this group and I love the connection we have.

Kelly S. - Calgary, AB

Daily Essential Self Care Rituals

– the key to your daily non-negotiables…

Carve out time for you.

Free up space to grow and follow your dreams and desires. This is your time to bloom!

Whether thats getting consistent with meditation, journalling, or simply taking a moment to enjoy what's around you.

Make Movement a Priority

Cultivate a consistent daily yoga practice with ease and simplicity with the support of the group plus quick and simple yoga videos and printable pdfs for travel.

By the end of the summer you'll feel strong & flexible.

Pamper Your Skin

Replenish your skin with soothing essential oils, Ayurvedic massage and natural supplements to restore your youthful glow from the inside out.

Enjoy Fresh Cooling Foods

Ayurveda provides a simple roadmap of what to eat in each season, for your unique body type.

Discover the simple fresh tastes that support your body in this season.

Then there's the ZEN Zone...

This is that quiet space at the spa where

you get to just hang out.

Easy Peasy Morning Yoga

Everything you need to start AND keep up your own yoga practice in your living room, bedroom or where ever you can roll out your mat. Promise!

Make sure yoga flows easily every morning. For total beginners to intermediates who want to make this a daily practice. Videos from 1 – 40 min to fit your morning. Plus printable tip sheets to make it so easy you can’t say no. (Value $197)

I have always said that I hate yoga. Every time I’ve tried yoga before, it hasn’t worked for me, it was just agony to do it.

But the way that Krista teaches it in her videos is so good for me.

She encouraged me to just do something and start, “just do one pose”. And then I find I want more, now it’s my favourite way to start my day.

Debby C. - Roberts Creek BC

Guided Meditation Library

Relax, clear your slate, rejuvenate, set your intention, check-in… from 3 min to 20 min. Perfect to start or end your day.

Ayurveda Summer Spa


A Summer of Nourishing, Playful Rituals.

We'll be keeping it light and refreshing this summer!


Summer Spa

for current doTERRA Members*


Already a member of doTERRA?

Sweet! You likely have most of what you need for essential oils and supplements already.

Check your oil and supplement cupboard and order anything you don’t have from this list on your account.

Essential Oils Needed for the Summer Spa Experience:

Aromatouch Blend, Lavender, Peppermint, Deep Blue, Lime, Mexican Cuisine Blend, Yoga Collection (Arise, Affirm/Align, Anchor)


Summer Spa

for new doTERRA Members*


New to doTERRA?

This is the perfect way to get started.

Learn how to use your oils safely and maximize their benefit with the healthy habits of yoga and Ayurveda.

This price option includes the Ayurveda Spa Collection {value of $207} with the Essential Oils and one month supply of the supplements you need to support you in the course and beyond.

We’ll schedule an extra call together when you get your kit to go over it together.




Know you need extra support to make this happen for you?

Dealing with a health or emotional concern that needs a little more TLC?

The Flourish VIP Experience includes 10 Personal Yoga and Coaching Sessions (Value $1000) along with the Daily Habits Course & Community Support.

Local clients have the option of Aromatouch Massages or Symphony of the Cells treatments during their one on one sessions.

VIP Clients will also use the Healthy Habits Kit from doTERRA as their foundational support.

Supporting my health benefits me and all of those that I love.

There are many many people offering courses that are not the same but similar and I think Krista herself is a big reason I love this one. Sometimes alternative health programs can be a bit whacky for me, but Krista brings a strong analytical mind and much research and preparation goes into everything she shares.

Krista genuinely cares about the people she helps and makes suggestions that fit with individual goals, personalities, challenges, lifestyles and budgets. So grateful to have met her and value her input on how I can better support my health on an ongoing basis.

Melissa M.

Mom, Environmental Project Manager, Calgary, AB

Feel Lighter, Healthier & Happier

Forget all the “shoulds” and discover what YOUR body really needs

to have more energy

and be happier and more centered

throughout your day.

Still not sure if the Ayurveda Spa Experience

is right for you?

Sure, you can continue to grab one-size-fits-all info online

or buy a stack of books to work on these habits on your own.

But, it will take longer as you discover some of the same pitfalls that I went through.

I created this experience so you don’t have to make the same mistakes I did.

Because you deserve to love your life.

I’m here to make it easy for you by…

Weaving ancient wisdom and modern science together,

to make sense of what healthy daily habits are right for your body.

This program made September a different time.

As a teacher it is normally stressful and overwhelming, I would not thought it possible but this year was different.

We are all so much calmer.
Thank you, Krista!

Cecilia B. - Mom & Teacher

I love the no guilt – caring environment.

The encouragement and acceptance I received from the group made me feel right at home even though I don’t practice yoga or meditation.

Marie F - Mother of 4 and Real Estate Broker,

Krista is a wealth of information and has many suggestions to troubleshoot any issues that arise.

I’m getting more benefit than I thought I would in so many different areas.

Trena M. - Child Development Advisor

Have some questions?

Good! Let’s talk answers.

My world is so crazy right now. I'm not sure if I have time for this.

I so get that!  And to be honest this is why you need this right now. 

AND… It doesn’t matter if you do all the habits, even just one thing will start to move the needle for you.

Doing one will start to shift that crazy overwhelmed life into …  I can squeeze in 2 minutes… and then 2 minutes leads to 5 minutes… and so on.

There are no points for perfection, it’s all about taking that first step.

What happens if I can’t make the live support calls?

At Daily Essentials, we have mamas, grandmamas, teachers, professional working women and natural health practitioners, all looking to shift into healthier habits while still living in the midst of the messiness.

So, when you can’t make a call or any of the calls…..we get it.

The calls are recorded and added to the community hub so you can catch up on your schedule. You can always post questions or comments in the Facebook group any time of day or night or connect with me during our one-on-one sessions.

During the summer our live calls are on Tuesday Mornings at 8 am MT. This way you can start your morning with connection and then go and enjoy the day!

What if I need more personalized support?

I hear you – we are all unique which is why some one-on-one feedback will support you on your unique journey. 

There are (3) one-on-one VIP coaching sessions included in this course where we talk about the challenges you are facing and how you want to achieve your goals. 

If you feel you need more personalized support – the Flourish VIP option is an amazing value so you get the best of both worlds. We are all on a unique journey which is why this course works so well. 

What if I don’t do yoga?

Not to worry if you want to start learning a few basic yoga moves and introduce them into your own daily routine, that’s great! 

We have an amazing bonus {Easy Peasy Morning Yoga} that walks you through step by step adding yoga into your morning routine.But this is about what is right for you so any form of movement that you love is wonderful — it doesn’t have to be yoga. 

It’s about letting go of “should’s” not adding more!

I’ve practiced yoga for a long time. How is this course different?

Yoga and Ayurveda are both parts of the ancient Vedic wisdom, but Ayurveda is way more than yoga.

It’s like taking your yoga practice into your kitchen cupboards, your bed, and with you throughout the day. Think of the mindfulness and awareness of yoga extending far beyond your mat.  

And then… we amplify all of that with essential oils. They’ll take your yoga and wellness lifestyle to a whole new level.

Do I need to purchase more essential oils after the starter kit?

The Ayurveda Summer Spa just uses the oils in the kit. You can up level the effects of the program with other supports but that's totally up to you.

Consistency is an issue for me - can I still do this?

I hear you sister!  Consistency is not my strength either.

We’ll be using every habit change trick in the book to make these daily actions happen naturally. And when we fall off the track, because life does happen, we’ve made it easy to hop back on with the right support and systems in place.

I’m not into all the woo-woo stuff… how weird is this going to be?

Think of this as a one woo journey.

We are tapping into alternative healing practices but we using tools that have researched and proven effective. I am an engineer and scientist under all the mala beads 🙂

I didn’t expect it to have such a huge impact.

I just thought I would learn a few things and broaden my knowledge.

Before the course life was stagnant,

I needed to take a leap to take action.

I had read about Ayurveda before but once Krista explained the Daily Rhythm everything just clicked, this awareness of how my energy naturally flows has changed my life.

It gives me a feeling of living.

I don’t have all these should’s and things I needed to do.

Now I go to work after having already accomplished something. Instead of just going to work and then coming home tired.

Ali W. - Invermere, BC

I felt like my life had no focus.

I would start things and never finish, feeling driftless, rudderless…

I didn’t really understand what the course was when I signed up for it. I just knew I needed to try something so I took a leap of faith and joined.

The support of the community has been really wonderful.

I have friends and I have family around as well, but this is a different group and everyone is so supportive. We’re all on the same page towards wanting to be healthy, happy, functioning humans 🙂

I’m so glad I took my leap of faith!”

Debby C. - Roberts Creek, BC

Join the Ayurveda Summer Spa only if

YOU are ready to…

Experience the benefits of individual one-on-one coaching.

Connect with a community of like-minded women.

Enjoy deeper, more refreshing sleep.


Cultivate a healthy belly and mind (they are so related!).

Discover the simple daily rituals that are right for your body.

Make this summer the time

you say YES to you


Start living the life of energy and vitality that you deserve.